Latest Updates Amid The Coronavirus

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October 12, 2020
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Much uncertainty exists right now around the coronavirus and the ripple effects of this pandemic. We will continue to assess new data and provide timely information and insight around current market volatility and economic impact. This corner of our website will serve as a consolidation of the market updates, insights, and resources we encourage investors to read.

Resources for Business Owners

Payroll Protection Program (PPP) Loan Update

Update on the PPP Loan Program

Vistage Webinar: Managing Your Business Through Crisis and Beyond

Blog Post: Managing Your Business Through Crisis and Beyond

How to Communicate with Lenders and Investors During COVID-19

Opportunities for American Small Businesses in the Wake of COVID-19

Recent Balentine Releases

Adapting to Life Amid a Pandemic

Coronavirus in the White House

The Sun Also Rises

After the “Great Lockdown,” the “Great Disconnect?”

Buy Thought Partnership, Not Investment Products

Chairman's Message: We're Not in the Same Boat

What Does Recovery Look Like?

It's Test Time for DIY Investors

Silver Linings: 3 Financial Planning Problems the Market Volatility Can Help You Solve

History Rhymes, But It Does Not Repeat Itself

Chairman's Message: Navigating These Times Together

Market Updates

October 20 | Webinar Recording: Quarterly Market & Investment Policy Update

October 7 | Market Update

September 10 | Market Update

August 18 | Webinar Recording: Quarterly Market & Investment Policy Update

August 4 | Market Update

July 7 | Market Update

May 13 | Webinar Recording: Quarterly Market & Investment Policy Update

April 30 | Market Update

April 8 | Market Update

April 3 | Market Update

March 27 | Webinar Recording: Market Watch with CEO Adrian Cronje

March 24 | Market Update

March 20 | Market Update

March 16 | Market Update

March 13 | Market Update

March 11 | Webinar Recording: Market Watch with CEO Adrian Cronje

March 2 | Market Volatility Amid Coronavirus Concerns

Balentine in the News

September 9 | The Way Forward: Beyond the Screens | Barron's

June 5 | Why It’s Time to Rethink Bonds | Barron's

May 26 | Top Advisors Give Back During Covid Crisis | Barron's

May 15 | Power Poll: Metro, state leaders on rebuilding economy | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

April 9 | Viewpoint: What an infrastructure spending bill could look like and what it means for investors | Atlanta Business Chronicle

February 24 | Stock market falls on coronavirus concern? Advisers still suggest calm | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Pillar Resources for Investor Reference

Are Recession Red Lights Flashing?

Balentine’s 2020 Capital Markets Forecast

We recognize that as humans, investors are also grappling with the global health crisis in a personal way as the challenge of health concerns, social distancing, and uncertainty take a toll, while the speed at which things are changing add a mental and emotional burden. Above all, we hope that, during this disorienting time, our communities and nation will come together to endure this hardship.

Please contact us directly with any questions and sign up below for our newsletter to receive a notification when we have a market update to share.

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Have Animal Spirits Returned?

Each quarter, our Investment Strategy Team reflects on what's happened in the economy and markets and gives our take on why it matters to investors. In our Q4 letter, we discuss how America-first policies have bolstered economic optimism even as inflation, Fed policy shifts, and policy could bolster a potential cooling of overheated conditions.