Business continuity
Disaster recovery and business continuity plan
Balentine recognizes that business continuity is one of our most important corporate responsibilities. In the event of a disruption to normal business operations, protecting our clients, employees, and corporate assets, as well as keeping our key business operations running, is critical to the firm. Regardless of the scope of potential business disruption or emergency, Balentine intends to continue to provide service to our clients.
If you are a Balentine client who uses Pershing Advisor Solutions as a custodian, you may contact them directly if a significant business interruption prevents you from reaching a member of the Balentine team. Pershing can process limited trade-related transactions, cash disbursements, and security transfers. Any instructions to Pershing Advisor Solutions must be in writing and transmitted via facsimile at (201) 413-4444 or postal service as follows:
Pershing Advisor Solutions LLC
P.O. Box 2065
Jersey City, NJ 07303-2065
Balentine clients who utilize a different custodian can find additional information as follows:
BNY Mellon Asset Management
Northern Trust Securities
State Street Bank
In the event of a significant internal or external business disruption, if telephone service is available, emergency contact information will be posted to this site.