Matt Gilbert
Associate Investment Strategy Team
Matthew Gilbert is an Associate on the Investment Strategy Team. In this role, he supports the execution of our unemotional, data-driven investment model by executing trades, researching investment ideas, and conducting manager due diligence. Before joining Balentine, Matthew worked as an Investment Analyst at the Georgia Office of the State Treasurer. He holds a B.B.A. in Finance from Kennesaw State University, where he served as Chief Investment Officer of the KSU Student Managed Investment Fund LLC.
BBA, Kennesaw State University (Finance)
Investment Analyst, Georgia Office of the State Treasurer
Why did you choose to come to work at Balentine?
What drew me to Balentine was their commitment to both achieving success and the apparent integrity of the team. It was evident to me that the firm shared a deep-rooted sense of values that aligned with my own.
How and why did you get into this business?
During my college years, my interest in financial markets was sparked by my involvement with our Student Managed Investment Fund. Since then, my passion for this field has continued to grow, driving me to continually pursue knowledge and experience.
If you weren't in this business, what would you be doing?
If I weren't working in this industry, I would have pursued my childhood dream of becoming a firefighter.
If you were abandoned on a deserted island, what single creature comfort would you desire most?
If I were stranded on a deserted island, there is no doubt in my mind that I would miss pizza above all else.

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